A big welcome to new members at the centre and of course welcome back to those of you who have been with us before. It’s very pleasing that so many classes are totally full or near to full.
Now that everyone is settled in, may we just cover a few housekeeping issues?
The centre does have a cleaner but we are all responsible for the day to day cleanliness of the rooms and kitchen/common area.
So please take the time to wipe down tables after each class and leave the room clean and tidy.
In the kitchen, please wash up any cups or cutlery you use and wipe down benches as needed.
Please remember to use the separate large sink near the toilet for washing jars or brushes or other implements and return jars to the cupboard near the kettle.
One safety issue: please wear close toed shoes. The table legs can be brutal on unprotected toes and there are other hazards like pins on the floor to be careful about.
Just one note about fees. Fees will go up to $150 per term from second term so we can give our fantastic tutors a much deserved pay rise.
Thank you for your help and enjoy the term!